Get on Your Bike – Brenin Bikes

Today’s website that we’re going to take a little look at is Brenin Bikes. Brenin Bikes represents a new generation of website, tailored to be clear and actionable, in turn leading to a more user friendly interface for online shopping.

Brenin Bikes Home Page

Brenin Bikes themselves are bike specialists, focussing on a wide variety of high performance bikes and equipment. At Brenin Bikes you’ll find their expertise spans the whole bike genre, from Road bikes to Mountain bikes and even to commuter and hybrid varieties. It’s hardly surprising, with the growing interest in all things bicycle, that Brenin Bikes has seen their services more and more in demand in recent years, especially since London 2012. To accommodate all of the new interest in bicycle sports, Brenin Bikes has upgraded their website.

Brenin Bikes new website makes buying an easy process. As you browse the site you’ll notice that Brenin Bikes have organised their stock in such a way as to help you find exactly what you’re looking for. This means if you’re looking for the full range of Orbea Road bikes or perhaps a particular bike from the KTM Mountain bikes range, then it’s easy to achieve this.

Not only do Brenin Bikes have a wide variety of bikes from top manufacturers, but they also stock all of the accessories that you might possibly need; featuring everything from GoPro cameras to record your downhill run, or training machines and supplements to help you improve performance and achieve your goals on the road.

One distinct benefit for the online shopper at Brenin Bikes is that whilst shopping you can view your basket at anytime without even leaving the page that you’re currently on. This system means that you can see a running inventory of exactly what’s in your basket without shooting off to the Basket page before trying to make your way back to the page that you had just left! This simple Ecommerce design is sure to enhance customer satisfaction even further.

For a full look at the Ecommerce functionality and great products offered by Brenin Bikes’ website then we suggest that you go and visit yourself and take a look around.

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