Gloucestershire.. Somerset.. World.

Sugar Loaf is a recent development offline and an even more recent revelation online. Originally opened as a permanent fixture in early 2011, Sugar Loaf’s first shop in Cheltenham was greatly received and since then they have gone on to open another great shop in a prime location in nearby Bath. Cheltenham and Bath are simply perfect places for Sugar Loaf to sport their great value collections of appealing gifts and homeware.

Sugar Loaf’s products have reached a wide audience offline, with both Cheltenham and Bath having vibrant tourism sectors. Due to the wide appeal of the products on offer Sugar Loaf has recently opened a third store, this time online. is their latest endeavour which is set to be as popular as their offline presence. An array of unusual and uncommonly found items is available right to your door through this new e-commerce store. You will find in their catalogue everything from decorative home accessories such as door stops, retro kitchen signs and perpetual calendars, to items from well known brands like Yankee Candle and not so well known brands like Poo Pourri.

Sugar Loaf

A neatly organised navigation structure allows the user to clearly navigate between category pages and find products of relevance. Too many websites are over-complicated but Sugar Loaf’s simplistic approach to site architecture is only sure to help the average visitor, and also reduce the number of clicks required to find what it is they are looking for. On category pages the products are neatly spread and aesthetically pleasing, helped by Sugar Loaf’s high quality product images.

Recognising that online consumers appreciate security as much as anything when shopping, Sugar Loaf have given their visitors the option to shop using a choice of payment providers, including both PayPal and Sagepay. This measure is sure to encourage those who find shopping with services such as Paypal a prerequisite for buying online. A clear cut purchasing process leaves little in the way of customers buying online from Sugar Loaf.

Visit to look at a great example of an independent retailer opening their first e-commerce website and doing a great job of it, bringing a simple, efficient and trustworthy shopping experience to a whole new audience.

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